Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Surveilans Epidemiology [of] As Community Treatment Applying Form

Surveilans Epidemiology [of] As Community Treatment Applying Form
By : Mahyuliansyah

Surveilans [is] a[n observation to people who anticipated to suffer a[n contagion by performing all kinds of medical observation, what derestrict to make a move from pertinent people who or people. This congeniality expand not only perception to population [of] but perception [of] all factor influencing the happening of health problem or disease befalling society.
Absolute Surveilans needed [at] contagion eradication programs as base perencenaan, monitoring and evaluate program

Surveilans Epidemiology [is] gathering and analyse epidemiology data to be used as [by] base from activity in the field of and disease prevention covering activity :
1. Planning Program Disease Eradication
Recognizing Epidemiology of Disease mean to recognize what we face and recognize planning of good program
2. Evaluate Program of Disease Eradication.
How circumstance [of] before and hereafter and hereafter program executed measurable so that [his/its] efficacy use data of sueveilans epidemiology
3. Epidemic of Extraordinary Occurence.
By system [is] sensitive surveilans to change of pattern of disease [in] a[n certain area can anticipate tendency of disease [in] a[n area.
Final purpose of Surveilans is to of broadness of infection and risk of infection of disease so that action of earn effectively and efficient. By that because[is] data of surveilans have to as according to condition of health problem of local society.
[done/conducted]ly [is] good surveilans, hence the existing data earn, processed and analysed so that become information for the planning program, and disease revention.
Role of Nurse of community [in] Puskesmas in executing activity of surveilans [is] of vital importance [his/its] meaning, considering that Puskesmas [is] as source of information which can [is] direct the than society. So that information of problem of disease or problem of knowable health immediately more accurate
This role [is] very hand in glove [his/its] bearing with role of nurse of community [of] pursuant to Departmental formula [of] Health [of] [at] applying of Alert Countryside,
One of them is for inventor of case [in] field, namely [do/conduct] surveilans epidemiology, [doing/conducting] invention of case/problem health [in] society, applying principle of privacy in invention of case assessed [by] negativity by society, reporting result of invention of case to related/relevant party
Direct coresponding community Nurse activity by surveilans [is] epidemiology in order to contagion eradication and prevention [is]
• Certain Contagion perception
• Inwrought perception for monitoring program and affect program [of] through Local Regional monitoring ( PWS), and the eradication and perception [of] various vector disease, and the perception in the laboratory
• Medication Penderitan [of] both for preventive and also healing in order to disconnection enchain infection
• Immunize to prevent contagion which can be prevented immunizedly
• Extraordinary prevention Occurence ( KLB) disease epidemic And [of] like diarrhoea, malaria, dengue, Rabies disease And which can generate epidemic.
From clarification [of] above directly and indirectly express that inseparable effort surveilans epidemiology with itself community nurse and function

Source :
Depkes RI, 1997, Jakarta, Mudol Pelatihan Funsional Bagi Tenaga Surveilas di Puskesmas.

Dini Meinanda Mutiara, Rumiati, Selvi Ermawati, 2008,………….., Keluarga Binaan Sebagai Wujud Peran Perawat Komunitas dalam Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk pada Anak

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