Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Adolescently and His Problem

By : Mahyuliansyah

1. What such adolescently
Defined [by] as transitory time from child to a period of/to adult. adolescent Age definition according to WHO [is] 12 s/d 24 th But if [at] adolescent age have married hence he have included in . adult group. On the contrary if adolescent age have dilewati but still it depends on the the parent hence he still be classified in adolescent group.( Situs.Kesrepro.Info/Krr/Referens)

2. Problems [of] what [in] meeting the adolescent moment
• Sum up age resident 10 - 24 big year ( 60 million)
• A period of/to life transition ( youth five life transitions)
1. Continuing school ( Continue Learning )
2. Searching work ( Star Working )
3. Strarting to have family ( Form Families)
4. Become member socialize ( exercise citizenship )
5. Practise healthy life
• adolescent globalization Liberalisasi and behavior attitude norm
• Risk Triad ( Seksulitas, Narkoba, and HIV / AIDS )

3. How to overcome the problems
Governmental Komitmen, support, education institution, adolescent group and fam

Last, WHAT
Program for the FACILITY existing of ADOLESCENT OBSTINATE, That Is
1. Healthy Behavioral
2. Protected [of] infection groaning organ sek , HIV/AIDS,DAN NAPZA
3. Delaying Marriage Age
4. Ambitious realize KKBS ( Secure and prosperous Happy Small Family )
5. Become idol, model, example [of], information source for [his/its] covey

• medical and Konseling reference
• intellegence Development
• artistry and Sport
• Adolescent typical Activity

Healthy Behavioral
Healthy Behavior make healthy in general that is apply Behavioral concept [of] Clean Life and Make healthy ( PHBS )
A group of behavior which practise on the basis of awareness as result of study of which make somebody / family of can help own self [in] area health and of active sharing in realizing health of [his/its] society

o Clean hand of with soap & water of after CHAPTER
o Dwell healthy house
o Use clean water
o Use latrine
o Fight against wiggler
o Throw away garbage in place
o Clean hand [of] before and hereafter eat

o Of Cigarette is not indoor
o [Do/Conduct] activity physical / athletic every day
o Eat vegetable and fruits every day

Adolescent Healthy behavior peculiarly that is apply concept Health of Adolescent Reproduction
Health of adolescent Reproduction [is] secure and prosperous circumstance [of] physical, bouncing and intact social in all matter [of] related to function, role and system of reproduction owned adolescent. Shall have knowledge health reproduce in order to own real correct information hit process reproduce and also various existing factor about its. With real correct information, expected adolescent own attitude and behaviour in charge of hit process reproduce. ( Situs.Kesrepro.Info/Krr/Referensi
Support to Health of Adolescent Reproduction in the form of
1. Fasilitasi Seksualitas
2. Fasiltasi HIV/AIDS
3. Fasiltasi Napza

Through Communications Informasi and Edukasi ( KIE) from three the activity expected adolescent can recognize
1. Problem system recognition reproduce, appliance function and process reproduce ( aspect grow adolescent flower )
2. Adolescent why require to mature marriage age and also plan pregnancy in order to suit fancy
3. and HIV/AIDS Sexual contagion and also [his/its] impact to health reproduce
4. Danger narcotic And drug and liquor [of] [at] health reproduce
5. Influence Social media and to sexual behavior
6. Sexual hardness and how to avoid [it]
7. Developing ability communicate the inclusive of strengthening x'self belief in order to able to protecting hings having the character of negative
8. Rights reproduce ( Situs.Kesrepro.Info/Krr/Referensi)

Sumber :

Materi Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja BKKBN

Materi Penyuluhan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS)

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