Rabu, 25 Februari 2009


By Mahyuliansyah

To date height of mortality of mother in Indonesia still represent problem becoming priority [in] health area. Beside show degree of health socialize, also can depict storey;level of prosperity socialize and quality of health service. Direct cause [of] death of mother [is] trias blood, infection, and the pregnancy poisoned. cause of the direct Death cannot be full understood [by] regardless of background ( underlying factor), which having the character of sis and also non sis. Among factor of[is non sis of dapatdisebut circumstance of economic prosperity [of] family, mother education, environment, behavioral, and others. framework of Concept model analysis of death of mother by Mc Carthy and Maine indicate that mortality of derivable mother indirectly improve;repairedly [is] social status [of] economics having effect to one of the entire/all direct factor that is behavior of health and behavior reproduce, status of health and keterjangkauan of health service. Third [of] [the] mentioned will have an in with three end result in model that is pregnancy, incidence [of] komplikasi kehamilan/persalinan and mother death. From model of the Mc Carthy and Maine visible that each;every effort intervence [at] indirect factor have to always through factor of direct cause. status of mother Health, according to model of Mc Carthy and Maine represent important factor in the happening of mother death. ugly Or gizi disease represent factor which can influence status of mother health. Rao ( 1975) reporting that one of cause of obsteric death indirectly [at] case of death of mother [is] anaemia. Grant express that anaemia represent one of cause of mother death, and so do WHO express that anaemia represent important cause from mother death. Research Chi, dkk indicate that mortality of mother [is] 70% for the mother which the anaemia and 19,7% to those who is the non anaemia. Mother death 15-20% directly or indirectly relate to anaemia. Anaemia [of] [at] pregnancy also relate to the increasing of painfulness ibu.(Studi Case Control Factor Biomedis [of] To Anaemia occurence [of] Ms. Pregnancy [In] Puskesmas Bantimurung. Available From : med.unhas.ac.id)

Research Saraswati and Sumarno ( 1998) indicating that pregnant mother with rate Hb < 10 g/dl have risk 2.25 higher times to bear baby BBLR compared to [by] a pregnant mother with rate Hb [of] above 10 g/dl , where pregnancy mother suffering heavy anaemia have risk to bear baby BBLR 4.2 higher times compared to [by] a mother which heavy tdak anaemia. Information collected by Sub Commitee on Nutrition WHO indicate that [at] least one among two mother death [in] developing [is] effect [of] [of] anaemia gizi iron. A[N study in Indonesia [at] 12 education hospital by the end of year 1970 reporting that mother mortality [of] among anaemia patient [is] 3.5 bigger times compared to [by] a mother faction which [do] not anaemia. If haemoglobin rate less than 8 gr%, death maternal risk mount about eight higher times compared to [by] a woman [do] not anaemia. Disparitas mother Death usher region in Indonesia still be big enough and still be higher relative in comparison with. Nations of member of ASEAN for example risk of death of mother [of] because bearing in Indonesia [is] 1 from 65, compared to [by] 1 from 1.100 [in] Thailand. In the year 2002 mother mortality ( AKI) in Indonesia number 307 per 100.000 birth live. From five millions of birth that happened in Indonesia every year nya, estimated [by] 20.000 mother die effect [of] of komplikasi of pregnancy or copy. ( Affect Anaemia and Lacking of Energi Kronik [of] [at] Ms. Pregnancy. Available From : www.eurekaindonesia.org)
Result of research Jumirah, dkk. ( 1999) showing that there is [relation/link] of rate Hb of pregnant mother [of] weighing of baby born, where excelsior of rate of Hb mother of heavy excelsior [of] body of borne baby. ( Status of Gizi [of] Ms. Pregnancy And also [his/its] influence to Borne baby. Available From : aridat_web/how/k/kesehatan)
Anaemia [is] problem of health by prevalensi [is] highest [at] pregnant woman. Prevalensi of Anaemia [of] [at] pregnant mother in Indonesia [is] 70%, or 7 from 10 pregnant woman suffer anaemia. [At] first trimester [of] pregnancy, ferrum required [by] a few/little because [is] not happened to menstruate and growth of foetus still be tardy. Stepping on trimester of second till third, volume of blood in body of woman will mount until 35%, this ekuivalen by 450 [is] mg of ferrum to produce red corpuscle. Red corpuscle have to transport more amount oxygen for foetus. While moment bear, additional need [of] iron 300 - 350 mg of effect [of] of blood loss. Until the moment bear, pregnant woman [of] butuh of ferrum [of] about 40 mg [of] per day or twofold requirement of condition is not pregnant. [At] a lot of pregnant woman, anaemia of gizi of iron caused by consumption of ineligible food [of] gizi and requirement mounting. Others, recuring pregnancy in a short time. reserve of Ferrum of mother which not yet convalesce finally cleanse for foetus contained next. Become, requirement of ferrum to every woman different each other according to cycle of [his/its] life. Adult woman [of] pregnancy of [his/its] requirement [do] not about 26 mg [of] per day, while pregnant woman [of] additional need [of] ferrum [of] about 20 mg [of] per day.( 7 from 10 Incured [by] Pregnant Woman [of] Anaemia. Available From : www.balita-andaindogloble.com)
Anaemia of Iron less [is] one of form of trouble of gizi representing problem health of important society in all the world, especially [in] developing countries of[is inclusive of Indonesia. The root cause anaemia of iron less seems [is] because consumption of insufficient ferrum and absorbsi of low ferrum from pattern of food [is] mostly consisted of [by] the rice, and the menu which less be multifarious [of] manner. Consume ferrum from the food often [is] lower the than two-third the sufficiency consume suggested ferrum, and formation of menu of food consumed to be pertained [at] type of low food [of] absorbsi of [his/its] ferrum. ( Anaemia of Iron Less in [his/its] [Relation/Link] With Infection of Worm [of] [At] Ms. Pregnancy. Available From : www.library.usu.ac.id).

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