Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

The old man and his problem

By : Mahyuliansyah

Old Process [is] circumstance which cannot be obviated. Human being as does all mortal of this world have boundary of [his/its] existence and will end in death. Change [of] [at] old age and retreating of [his/its] health seldom difficult to differentiate from disparity of pathology that happened the effect [of] disease. In the field of endokrinologi [of] most of all production and expenditure of hormone influenced by very enzyme influenced by process become old


By : Mahyuliansyah

At the height of problem of soul health, hence requirement of service of health of soul will also progressively mount. reach of Service of health of soul have to can reach society which far and not merely residing [in] just just metropolis. This matter represent effort of generalization of health service. Strive this not possible (to) can be executed [by] if service of health of soul [is] only given by RSJ ( Mental Hospital) just just [is] which [his/its] amount [is] limited and generally reside in mother of town provinsi ( not yet all provinsi own mental hospital
service Health of adequate soul which can reach entire/all society not yet enforceable because of " amount of Energy of health of soul still very finite and generally residing in metropolis " problem of Health of soul frequently bermanifestasi in the form of physical sigh, so that [is] not detected and [is] not overcome better " Congeniality [of] about health of soul still less and stigma to trouble of soul still be big, so that they [do] not come to service of soul health, but a lot go to traditional medicine or prominent religion " Rural resident ( difficult rural) reach facility of health of soul and require big enough expense " Autonomous existence [of] area making area become determinant of requirement [of] each, causing problem of service of health of soul not yet [is] of course considered to be [by] a priority requirement.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009



Health Service Gift [of] below/under medical observation [at] ill people or the accident work or one who become pain or sudden experience of job accident ( Departmental [of] ACE Labour
Practice specialist Treatment giving health service to worker population or worker focusing [at] promotion, proteksi worker health repair and in environmental health context work ( Health Treatment Association Work America
Hygiene Specialization therewith practice which aim to in order to the worker obtain;get degree of health at the farthest the physical goodness, bouncing social and or with effort preventif and curative to disease, health trouble resulted [by] a environment and work factor work and also the [common/ public] factors ( Nasrul Effendi )


By : Mahyuliansyah

Height of Number of painfulness in Indonesia especially Mortality [of] Ms., Mortality of Baby and malarian ailment, flu bird, Aids, diarrhoea, DHF, TUBERCULOSIS and other;dissimilar - other;dissimilar and also accident of natural disaster [of] like accident, floods, mount erupt, tsunami, earthquake and other;dissimilar - other;dissimilar representing problem which must [in] overcoming, especially to reach Healthy Indonesia 2010.
Attainment of Healthy Indonesia 2010 will be irrespective [of] creation of Healthy Province, Regency/ Healthy town, Healthy Subdistrict and healthy countryside..For the reach healthy countryside hence need effort of development [of] through Alert Countryside

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Plan Job of[is Make-Up Of Ability of Worker Perkesmas ( Community Nurse)

By : Mahyuliansyah

A. Identify Problem.
Downhill of it [of] degree of health socialize in order to activity of Treatment of Health Socialize ( Perkesmas} resulted from [by] the increasing of number of painfulness [of] [at] family of target specially the gristle family, family which sensitive. to health problem. This matter [is] caused [by] caused by [his/its] some factor, for example


By : Mahyuliansyah

Strive Republic Government of Indonesia to increase the service Socialize mirror have in outline of Bow of State even development of health instructed to heighten degree of health. This matter in line with development of health contained in System of National Health ( SKN) namely reaching of ability for the healthy life for every resident for the shake of existing of degree of optimal health self-supportingly have [is] base [to] [of] [at] ability and strength [by] xself. To reach the target require to be [done/conducted] [by] effort of service generalization, improvement [of] quality of service and also improvement of role and also socialize. In this case the dot weigh against [at] degradation of painfulness number, death of baby and mother maternal, also to other target. Side of[is other; dissimilar development of health [is] also [done/conducted] givenly [is] perioritas [of] [at] effort of health improvement, disease prevention, beside strive healing and convalescence.


By : Mahyuliansyah

1. What such with family ?
Family represent especial and first behavioral forming and environment for every mankind. Family also represent fastener unit [of] some individual at one blow represent nucleus; core unit forming society

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Adolescently and His Problem

By : Mahyuliansyah

1. What such adolescently
Defined [by] as transitory time from child to a period of/to adult. adolescent Age definition according to WHO [is] 12 s/d 24 th But if [at] adolescent age have married hence he have included in . adult group. On the contrary if adolescent age have dilewati but still it depends on the the parent hence he still be classified in adolescent group.( Situs.Kesrepro.Info/Krr/Referens)

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Surveilans Epidemiology [of] As Community Treatment Applying Form

Surveilans Epidemiology [of] As Community Treatment Applying Form
By : Mahyuliansyah

Surveilans [is] a[n observation to people who anticipated to suffer a[n contagion by performing all kinds of medical observation, what derestrict to make a move from pertinent people who or people. This congeniality expand not only perception to population [of] but perception [of] all factor influencing the happening of health problem or disease befalling society.
Absolute Surveilans needed [at] contagion eradication programs as base perencenaan, monitoring and evaluate program

Skin Disease [In] Institute Pemasyarakatan

Skin Disease [In] Institute Pemasyarakatan
By : H.Sugiharni

In [Code/Law] of Number 23 year 1992 about health mentioned, congeniality of health [is] secure and prosperous circumstance from body, soul and social enabling each and everyone the productive life social and economicly. development of Health basically concerning all facet of life socialize and take place in each individual, do not aside from those who [is] experiencing crime or under arrest in Institute of Pemasyarakatan and Prison Negara/Rutan ( Depkumham RI, 2008: 1).
Institute Pemasyarakatan ( shortened [by] LP or Lapas) [is] place to execute construction of convict and protege of pemasyarakatan in Indonesia. Dweller of LP can convict ( napi) that is punished experiencing crime disappear independence, or the prisoner that is ****** ( terdakwa) which in the process of the investigation, prosecution and inspection [in] court. ( http://id.wikipedia.org, accessed on the date of 11 December 2008).

Convict ( napi), protege pemasyarakatan and prisoner also represent member socialize and also have equal right with other society member to reach degree of optimal health
One of important aspect needing attention [is] good health circumstance [of] physical, bouncing and also the social. health service And treatment for napi, usable protege pemasyarakatan or prisoner as one of measuring rod [of] development efficacy [in] area punish either through international national and or ( Depkumham RI, 2008: 1)
Napi prisoner And very rentan to assorted attack [of] disease [of] because life in Lapas (it) is true far from life elegibility. They sometimes have to sleep bertumpuk-tumpuk [of] because crowded cell. Cell column for the width of 1,5 metre x 2,5 metre filled [by] 6-8 people even more. ( http://www.majalahkonstan.com, accessed on the date of 10 December 2008). Condition Lapas which overkapasitas with medium, prasarana, environmental and sanitasi which less be anticipated to adequate represent supplementary factor causing painfulness number height [in] Lapas and Rutan ( Depkumham RI, 2008: 2).
Lower health expense for the prisoner and convict [is] also questioned [by] a number of circle. Medication fare which only Rp.2.500 each and everyone per year very improper. Though the health napi prisoner and treatment represent rights which must be fulfilled [by] state as according to Number [Code/Law] 12 Year 1995 about Pemasyarakatan ( Daily [of] Compass, 2006: 16).
Spreading [of] various contagion very [is] conducive happened in Lapas and Rutan. Mount dwelling density exceeding capacities make direct contact usher difficult napi prisoner and avoided. If/When one of napi prisoner or suffer a[n contagion hence other;dissimilar napi prisoner or especially staying in one cell swiftly will be infected [by] the the disease
Result of year health data report 2006 and 2007 accepted [by] Directorate General Pemasyarakatan indicate that skin disease take possession of first sequence from 10 big [of] disease [in] Lapas and Rutan [of] entire/all Indonesia ( Depkumham RI, 2008: 1).
In a condition where infection [of] skin disease [of] effect [of] solid factor [is] environmental/dwelling. as in Lapas which avoided difficult overkapasitas hence one of way of which can be [done/conducted] [by] [is] look after personal hygiene ( x'self hygiene) better. According to Pradjawanto ( 2008) nurse role in requirement personal hygiene accomplishment to client can assist to maintain or look after husk cell integrity in order to get nutrisi hydration and that is needed for prevention disease attack ( http://www.kreasimahasiswa.page.tl, accessed on the date of 16 December 2008). requirement Personal hygiene in the form of husk health treatment can be [done/conducted] self-supportingly by napi prisoner or capable to in physical
According to Skiner ( 1938) cited by Notoadmojo " behavioral [of] health [is] a[n respon somebody ( organisme) to object or stimulus [of] related to disease and pain, health service system, food and beverage and also [is] environmental". Than the definition, self-supporting requirement personal hygiene accomplishment by convict earn clasifikation as health conservancy behavior ( health maintenance), that is disease healing and disease prevention behavior [of] if/when pain and also convalescence of[is when quite better from disease.


By : Nor Alimah, S.Pd
Education of vital importance in life and [is] inseparable the than itself life, good absolute in character in somebody life, family, and also the State and nation.
Education in wide meaning, containing congeniality educate, teaching and train. this three Component represent one inseparable and circular union. this Three aspect development have to walk well-balanced. estimate in executing education only emphasis[of] [at] one of just just aspect. Come to light that school [do] not only as teacher place teach or the pupil place learn, but rather from that, that is represent wiyata education environment or field which is [in] happened [by] the education process.

School represent a[n intact and circular institute, what ekstensi as a(n) unit and [do] not broken. Environmental [of] school as a whole represent a[n circular and intact society owning personality [by] xself and self-supporting below/under leadership /headmaster as especial leader.
School reside in society environment owning to arrange cultural life. On that account school cannot live [by] xself but non meaning school without ceremony accept entire/all cultural exist in society. What [is] accepted [by] a school [is] cultural [of] choice mirroring behavior which the august norm soul. School also reside in in a[n formal society other;dissimilar like other;dissimilar governance institution, where school nor may live to stand apart without there [is] [relation/link] with with institution of[is other;dissimilar. The [relation/link] [is] generally intertwined with existence each other require and support in the effort efficacy and performance improvement [of] a[n program managed by each.
Refering to [the] mentioned hence one of [relation/link] form which aim to for the efficacy and performance improvement [of] each institution [is] school cooperation [relation/link] with health in this case form [his/its] activity [is] School Health Effort

In [Code/Law] [of] Republic Of Indonesia [of] Number 23 Year 1992 about health section 17, expressed [by] that child health carried out to realize child health and child growth and growth [done/conducted] [by] through child health improvement in content, baby hood,, a period of/to balita, school pre age and school age. Hereinafter in section 45 expressed [by] that school health carried out to increase the healthy life ability [of] educative competitor in healthy environment so that the educative competitor earn to learn, grow and expand harmoniously and optimal become human resource which with quality. Despitefully the school health [is] also instructed to fertilize healthy life habit in order to own knowledge, skill and attitude to execute active healthy life principle participate in effort health improvement, either in school, domestic and also in environment socialize.
Health Life concept which mirror [of] [at] healthy behavior in healthy environment require to be introduced [by] early possible to router generation and [is] hereinafter involved and practiced. Educative competitor is not again solely as obyek health development but as subyek and [is] thereby expected [by] them earn the sharing consciously and hold responsible in health development.
One of image of real [relation/link] at school [is] activity Program Effort of School Health. Construction And development Strive School Health ( UKS) represent one of link in improving degree of health. UKS [is] represent one of means to increase ability of healthy life and also fertilize habit of healthy life, so that can heighten degree of health of educative competitor, where in it include;cover activity in order to the educative competitor :
1. Owning knowledge, attitude and skill to [do/conduct] healthy life and also participate active in effort improvement of health at school, domestic and also society environment
2. Healthy in physical meaning, bouncing and social
3. Owning energy of soul and energy of prevention to influence of narcotic abuse, drugs, alcohol and smoke.
In line with vision of school as Knowledge of Wiyata of Field covering five fundamental element, that is
1. School as education environment
2. Role of Headmaster in order to Knowledge of Wiyata Field
3. [Relation/Link] [of] [among/between] teacher with pupil parent
4. Kesdaran [of] all citizen of school to prestige and teacher image
5. [Relation/Link] [of] [among/between] school with society
Headmaster domicile [it] have the nature of manajerial hence in developing execution of Wiyata of Field of have domicile central in determining entire/all process of management of school and more setle again element to five from Knowledge of Wiyata Field.
Thereby role of other element very determined by kreatifitas Headmaster. And so it is with development of referred [as] [by] more inveterate UKS [of] Trias UKS that is health education, service of environmental health construction and make healthy. [Is] in order to reached [by] the target which [is] expected from activity of UKS need intervention by Headmaster or can be delegated [by] through teacher showed [by] as Builder UKS.
One of form of activity Program UKS entangling school and health [is] forming of Small Doctor to mount SD/MI and Cadre of Adolescent Health to mount SLTP/MTS and SLTA/MA.
Small Doctor and cadre of Adolescent Health [is] educative competitor selected [by] a teacher utilize to follow to execute partly effort service of health to ownself, family, friend of educative competitor especially and school [of] generally. Target performing of forming of small Doctor or cadre of Adolescent Health [is]
• In order to the educative competitor can help their/his self and others for the healthy life
• In order to the educative competitor can construct [his/its] friend and personating of promotor and motivator in running the effort health to x'self [of] each
• In order to the educative competitor can assist teacher, family and socialize at school and extramural.
Other;Dissimilar activity executed in order to program of UKS entangling party of school and health, for example
1. Data of new Pupil and data of supporter supporting activity UKS. Data [done/conducted] in the year the new teaching
2. Network And inspection of health and also the heavy balance [of] high badan/pengukuran [of] body executed [at] new pupil [in] early year of new teaching
3. Immunize conducted for [by] pupil of SD/MI which generally [in] mentioning the Month;Moon Immunize Schoolchild ( BIAS) [of] [at] November month;moon
4. Health Counselling
5. Effort Health of Tooth of School represent integral part from activity of UKS covering tooth inspection, repeal, medication and counselling
6. Inspection of Environmental Health
7. Tuition of tekhnis and administration of UKS covering tekhnis of reference and training of small doctor or cadre of adolescent health.
8. Others that is other; dissimilar activity according to unrightious requirement [of] school or health institution

Pursuant to above mentioned description, can pulled some the following conclusion
1. Education represent a[n [is] absulote for every people
2. School represent one of environment of education having [relation/link] environmentally other; dissimilar extramural [is] which ought to each other profit and require
3. form of real [Relation/Link] with health [is] in the form of activity Strive Health of School which emphasis[of] [at] health education, service of environmental construction and health [of] health
4. Headmaster as handle of head can [do/conduct] intervention or can delegate to teacher showed to manage program of UKS at school

Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, UNdang-Undang RI Nomor 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan, Jakarta, 1992

Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Pedoman Kerja Puskesmas jelid II, Jakarta, 1992

Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar, Majalah MUTU Vol.III No. 1 Edisi April-Juni 1994, Jakarta, 1994

Dinas Kesehatan Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Dokter Kecil, Jakarata, 1993


By : Mahyuliansyah

Inwrought Management [of] Ill Balita ( MTBS) [is] a[n approach which by WHO and UNICEF to prepare health worker [do/conduct] assessment, making klasifikasi and also give action to child to disease which generally menace soul. MTBS aim to to increase the worker skill, strengthening health system and also improve treatment ability by society and family introduced first time in the year 1999.
MTBS in activity [in] field specially [in] Puskesmas represent a[n system watering down service and also upgrade service. Visible tables hereunder clarification MTBS represent a[n system.

No System Component of[is Breakdown of Worker and Location
• Input
Balita come with kelaurga given [by] a form MTBS Counter and medication status, card worker
• Process
- brought [by] Ill Balita [of] form MTBS and status card
- Checking body temperature and weight - If coughing always mengitung napas, see chest wall attraction and hear stridor
- If diarrhoea always check awareness balita, concave eye, giving to drink child to see whether/what [do] not deflect to drink or lazy and pinch stomach husk to check turgor - Always memerisa status gizi, status immunize and the Vitamin A Column MTBS capsule gift, case manager ( Midwife which have been trained [by] MTBS
• Output
Klasifikasi converted become diagnosa, action in the form of and konseling therapy gift in the form of feeding advise, visit advise repeat, advise when have to return immediately. Konseling [of] other;dissimilar for example environmental kesehatn, immunize, Konseling Cures at home. Reference needed [by] if ill circumstance balita require Column MTBS reference, case manager (Midwife which have been trained [by] MTBS). Worker [of] related to [done/conducted] effort konseling
Ill inspection Balita handled by team led by organizer MTBS functioning as case manager. election Case manager by head Puskesmas [of] pursuant to consideration have followed training and ready to to manage MTBS. In All day long the organizer hold responsible to coordinator KIA Puskesmas. Case Manager hold responsible to [do/conduct] inspection from assessment, making klasifikasi, bringing an action against and also [do/conduct] konseling with guided [by] a schema book and registered in [by] a inspection form.
Case Manager hold responsible to manage ill case balita if needing konseling gizi, environmental health, and also immunize, worker can ask pertinent worker [of] muntuk give konseling. Hereafter get konseling [is] hence [done/conducted] [by] a prescribing and also the introductory to clarification in order to obey comand given in medication at home. Procedural Konseling [of] drug gift, dose, old [of] gift, gift time, way of gift and others become routine matter [done/conducted]. Result of inspection activity registered in [by] register visit, [is] later;then summarized [by] each;every final [of] month;moon for report MTBS to Dinkes
Team existence very support praktik MTBS. Team led by a case manager [of] if finding problem hence konsultasi to coordinator KIA [is] later on consulted to head Puskesmas. In the case of konseling case manager distribute duty [of] [at] worker [of] which deal with [done/conducted] problem konseling. Duty clarity in division of labor cause case handling more effective. Others existence fleksibelitas in team enable other;dissimilar worker [is] also expected able to give konseling [of] other;dissimilar if pertinent worker [there] no so that praktik MTBS remain to walk
Gift of Konseling become to exeed and distinguishing at one blow with service of ill balita without [doing/conducting] praktik MTBS. With gift of konseling expected [by] deliverer or mother of patient understand disease suffered, way of handling at home, paying attention to growth disease of [his/its] child so that able to recognize when have to immediately bring [his/its] child to worker of health [is] and also expected to pay attention to to grow flower of child by giving food [of] according to [his/its] age. All the message [is] mirror in Card of Advice [of] Ms. ( KNI) which [is] generally given [by] after mother of introductory ayau [of] ill balita get this konseling to become memory of messages submitted/sent and also memory of cures at home.
Integrity of Service [done/conducted] [by] praktik MTBS [of] a[n job of flexible and compact team with guided [by] guide-book or form of MTBS depict that MTBS represent a[n system of health service.

1. Depkes RI, (2007) Modul PelatihanMTBS, Jakarta
2. Pratono, Hari. Dkk, (2008) Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit, Evaluasi Pelaksanaan MTBS di Puskesmas Tanah Laut.. Available from (Accesed 20 Pebruari 2009)


By Mahyuliansyah

To date height of mortality of mother in Indonesia still represent problem becoming priority [in] health area. Beside show degree of health socialize, also can depict storey;level of prosperity socialize and quality of health service. Direct cause [of] death of mother [is] trias blood, infection, and the pregnancy poisoned. cause of the direct Death cannot be full understood [by] regardless of background ( underlying factor), which having the character of sis and also non sis. Among factor of[is non sis of dapatdisebut circumstance of economic prosperity [of] family, mother education, environment, behavioral, and others. framework of Concept model analysis of death of mother by Mc Carthy and Maine indicate that mortality of derivable mother indirectly improve;repairedly [is] social status [of] economics having effect to one of the entire/all direct factor that is behavior of health and behavior reproduce, status of health and keterjangkauan of health service. Third [of] [the] mentioned will have an in with three end result in model that is pregnancy, incidence [of] komplikasi kehamilan/persalinan and mother death. From model of the Mc Carthy and Maine visible that each;every effort intervence [at] indirect factor have to always through factor of direct cause. status of mother Health, according to model of Mc Carthy and Maine represent important factor in the happening of mother death. ugly Or gizi disease represent factor which can influence status of mother health. Rao ( 1975) reporting that one of cause of obsteric death indirectly [at] case of death of mother [is] anaemia. Grant express that anaemia represent one of cause of mother death, and so do WHO express that anaemia represent important cause from mother death. Research Chi, dkk indicate that mortality of mother [is] 70% for the mother which the anaemia and 19,7% to those who is the non anaemia. Mother death 15-20% directly or indirectly relate to anaemia. Anaemia [of] [at] pregnancy also relate to the increasing of painfulness ibu.(Studi Case Control Factor Biomedis [of] To Anaemia occurence [of] Ms. Pregnancy [In] Puskesmas Bantimurung. Available From : med.unhas.ac.id)

Research Saraswati and Sumarno ( 1998) indicating that pregnant mother with rate Hb < 10 g/dl have risk 2.25 higher times to bear baby BBLR compared to [by] a pregnant mother with rate Hb [of] above 10 g/dl , where pregnancy mother suffering heavy anaemia have risk to bear baby BBLR 4.2 higher times compared to [by] a mother which heavy tdak anaemia. Information collected by Sub Commitee on Nutrition WHO indicate that [at] least one among two mother death [in] developing [is] effect [of] [of] anaemia gizi iron. A[N study in Indonesia [at] 12 education hospital by the end of year 1970 reporting that mother mortality [of] among anaemia patient [is] 3.5 bigger times compared to [by] a mother faction which [do] not anaemia. If haemoglobin rate less than 8 gr%, death maternal risk mount about eight higher times compared to [by] a woman [do] not anaemia. Disparitas mother Death usher region in Indonesia still be big enough and still be higher relative in comparison with. Nations of member of ASEAN for example risk of death of mother [of] because bearing in Indonesia [is] 1 from 65, compared to [by] 1 from 1.100 [in] Thailand. In the year 2002 mother mortality ( AKI) in Indonesia number 307 per 100.000 birth live. From five millions of birth that happened in Indonesia every year nya, estimated [by] 20.000 mother die effect [of] of komplikasi of pregnancy or copy. ( Affect Anaemia and Lacking of Energi Kronik [of] [at] Ms. Pregnancy. Available From : www.eurekaindonesia.org)
Result of research Jumirah, dkk. ( 1999) showing that there is [relation/link] of rate Hb of pregnant mother [of] weighing of baby born, where excelsior of rate of Hb mother of heavy excelsior [of] body of borne baby. ( Status of Gizi [of] Ms. Pregnancy And also [his/its] influence to Borne baby. Available From : aridat_web/how/k/kesehatan)
Anaemia [is] problem of health by prevalensi [is] highest [at] pregnant woman. Prevalensi of Anaemia [of] [at] pregnant mother in Indonesia [is] 70%, or 7 from 10 pregnant woman suffer anaemia. [At] first trimester [of] pregnancy, ferrum required [by] a few/little because [is] not happened to menstruate and growth of foetus still be tardy. Stepping on trimester of second till third, volume of blood in body of woman will mount until 35%, this ekuivalen by 450 [is] mg of ferrum to produce red corpuscle. Red corpuscle have to transport more amount oxygen for foetus. While moment bear, additional need [of] iron 300 - 350 mg of effect [of] of blood loss. Until the moment bear, pregnant woman [of] butuh of ferrum [of] about 40 mg [of] per day or twofold requirement of condition is not pregnant. [At] a lot of pregnant woman, anaemia of gizi of iron caused by consumption of ineligible food [of] gizi and requirement mounting. Others, recuring pregnancy in a short time. reserve of Ferrum of mother which not yet convalesce finally cleanse for foetus contained next. Become, requirement of ferrum to every woman different each other according to cycle of [his/its] life. Adult woman [of] pregnancy of [his/its] requirement [do] not about 26 mg [of] per day, while pregnant woman [of] additional need [of] ferrum [of] about 20 mg [of] per day.( 7 from 10 Incured [by] Pregnant Woman [of] Anaemia. Available From : www.balita-andaindogloble.com)
Anaemia of Iron less [is] one of form of trouble of gizi representing problem health of important society in all the world, especially [in] developing countries of[is inclusive of Indonesia. The root cause anaemia of iron less seems [is] because consumption of insufficient ferrum and absorbsi of low ferrum from pattern of food [is] mostly consisted of [by] the rice, and the menu which less be multifarious [of] manner. Consume ferrum from the food often [is] lower the than two-third the sufficiency consume suggested ferrum, and formation of menu of food consumed to be pertained [at] type of low food [of] absorbsi of [his/its] ferrum. ( Anaemia of Iron Less in [his/its] [Relation/Link] With Infection of Worm [of] [At] Ms. Pregnancy. Available From : www.library.usu.ac.id).

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Comprehensive Nursing Care Plans

Care planning is an essential part of healthcare, but is often misunderstood or regarded as a waste of time. Without a specific document delineating the plan of care, important issues are likely to be neglected. Care planning provides a “road map” of sorts, to guide all who are involved with a patient/resident's care.

The care plan has long been associated with nursing, and many people believe that it is the sole domain of nurses. To be effective and comprehensive, the care planning process must involve all disciplines that are involved in the care of the patient/resident.

Nursing care plans are an essential part of nursing practice that provide a written means of planning patient care and discharging plan based upon nursing diagnosis. Nursing care plans functions as a means of communicating patient care needs between members of the nursing team to ensure those needs are met. Written nursing care plans also serve as a means to document changes in patient’s condition, adjustments or additions to nursing diagnosis, as well as patient responses to nursing or medical treatment. Nursing care plans enable nurses to provide a holistic approach to patient needs both while hospitalized and after discharge.

Nursing care plans must always be individualized for each patient’s needs. It would be better if nurse staffing ratios would allow nurses adequate time to sit at a desk and utilize their expertise to create a complete admission to discharge and home care plan after careful review of patient history, medical records, physical assessment, and applicable nursing diagnosis. We live in an imperfect world however and nurses do not have adequate time to research each patient’s history and needs and write a comprehensive plan of care from scratch for each patient during their hectic shift. Understaffed nurses try to keep up, but when time is short mistakes happen more easily and some aspects of the nursing care plan may be omitted. Stock care plans, care plan software, and nursing care plan books are useful as reference tools to help ensure potential problems associated with their particular patient are not overlooked during the nursing care planning process.

The ultimate purpose of nursing care plans is to guide all who are involved in the care of this person to provide the appropriate treatment in order to ensure the optimal outcome during his/ her stay in our healthcare setting. A caregiver unfamiliar with the patient/resident should be able to find all the information needed to care for this person in the care plan.

It is important to design nursing care plans that provide adequate safety to the patient, make things less distressing to the family, and utilizes resources appropriately.

Neonatal Nursing Is It For you

If you are to describe the role of a nurse in our lives, many would say a lot of nice things about it. But, no matter how much you give your best, you just can’t seem to please everybody, right? In the case of neonatal nursing, a nurse care is unquestionably priceless!

Neonatal nursing includes several responsibilities besides providing care for helpless little angels. Before going to the roles of a neonatal nurse, let us first know who they are working with. Neonatal nurses actually work within neonatal units, which can be within maternity or children’s hospitals, or in the community.

Neonatal nurse look after new born babies who are born pre-mature or sick. There’s more
to neonatal nursing than just looking after for new born babies. There could be varied
problems that can affect the health of a newly born baby. And with that in mind,
immediate treatment is required from specialists who work within the multidisciplinary
healthcare team.

Premature babies are not like any other infants with certain illnesses as they have particular problems that need to be looked into as soon as possible. Health problems are commonly encountered when a baby is born earlier than expected, such as respiratory difficulties. A problem in respiratory system to new born babies can be life threatening if not given immediate and appropriate treatment by a specialist team. In addition to that, the nutritional needs of the prematurely born babies greatly require a specialist attention.

The scope of responsibilities of neonatal nursing does not end in caring for babies, but also being supportive to the parents who are worried about how their baby is faring with any complication. In fact, neonatal nurses play an important role in providing understanding and assurance to the parents, who are going through emotional and mental stress over the condition of their baby. For good parent and baby bonding, the parents and other members of the family are encouraged to take an active part in the care of the baby while in the hospital.

If you think you have a soft spot for babies, excellent interpersonal skills, empathetic understanding for the parents and other family members, among other things, then neonatal nursing could be the right career for you. Do you think you can do what neonatal nurses can? If your answer is yes, then you have now a clearer picture of where your feet should take you in order to create a career.

Mental Health Nursing

We are now living in a world where people seem to have an open mind about almost anything. But, why is it that, at some point, certain individuals still find it easier to talk about and accept a person being physically ill than someone who has mental health problems? There could be many reasons behind that life-size question mark on your forehead. To some extent, this could be the result of the impossibility of putting a clear distinction between mental health and illness.

At some point in our lives, we may have experienced episodes of stress, anxiety, anger, depression and any other mental health condition, because those are what make us human. In other words, these mental problems are as common as cough and colds. But, if any of those conditions becomes overwhelming, hard to control, or has been recurring for quite some time, it’s the time that you seek professional help. If you let your condition pass by without getting immediate attention and care, it could lead to a more serious problem, not to mention that it gets in the way of your daily activities.

This is where mental health nursing steps in. Mental health nursing is a very challenging job, I must say. The nurses working in a mental health institutions, whether in a hospital or in a community, show great care for people with mental health condition, assisting patients to overcome their unwell condition or to come to terms with it so that they can continue to live their lives as normal as possible.

Mental health nursing is the kind of profession in which the nurses are likely to be dealing with people from all walks of life with different backgrounds. As their experience broadened and careers develop, they have a choice to specialize in any areas like alcohol and drugs, research, education, or management positions. But the important challenges for mental health nurses are to use their skills and personal strengths in order to help patients come to terms with their problems. Have you noticed that sometimes you tend to feel more comfortable sharing your concerns with nurses than with physicians? That is exactly why mental health nursing exist – fill in the gap between the physician and the patient!

Another challenge that a mental health nurse has to face is to identify if and when a patient may be at risk of harming themselves or other people. Therefore, one of the most important skills that mental health nurses have to learn is recognizing any build-up tension in a patient and resolving it as quickly as possible. What a challenging career mental health nursing indeed! Not a very enticing job, but definitely very rewarding. You must be a people person with great care to people with mental illness to be able to do the job of a mental health nurse.

Critical Care Nursing

If you are to describe the job of a nurse, what comes to mind first? For some people, they would probably think that a nurse is someone who provides the care you need when being hospitalized, while other would see a nurse as someone who works side by side with physicians in providing care. There could be truth on those answers, but there is actually more to nursing than just giving care to patients. And if you think you have seen what a nurse can do, better think again.

There is this specialty within nursing that deals specifically with human responses to life-threatening situations and that is critical care nursing. As the name implies, critical care nursing is indeed a serious job that requires all your skills to be able to save the lives of those people who are in a life-threatening condition. As a critical care nurse, you should be a licensed professional nurse who is responsible in making sure that acutely and critically ill patients as well as their parents receive the best possible care.

To get a clearer picture as to how grave critical care nursing is, let us define what a critically ill patient is. Critically ill patient is someone who is at high risk for actual or potential life-threatening health condition. The more serious the condition of the patient is, the more extremely vulnerable, unstable, and complex he or she becomes and the more extreme and watchful nursing care is required. Being in a situation like that, where there’s no room for errors, it is just right to get the right training and exposure to obtain the skills needed to be able to respond to the specific needs of critically ill patients.

Critical care nursing are given in the hospital setting where critically ill patients are being treated and where the real action is, such as in the intensive care units, cardiac catheter labs, telemetry units or ICUs, pediatric intensive care units, neonatal ICUs, cardiac care units, progressive care units, emergency departments and recovery rooms. In addition, critically care nursing can also be provided in home healthcare, managed care organizations, outpatient surgery centers and clinic, and nursing schools.

Because critical care nursing requires stern expertise, critical care nurses have gone through an intensive practice in settings where patients need complex assessment, high-intensity therapies and intervention, and continue nursing care. With constant exposure to these situations, a critical care nurse will be able to work in different settings. They can be bedside clinicians, nurse educators, nurse researchers, clinical nurse specialists, nurse managers, and nurse practitioners. With the arrival of managed care and the resulting transfer of patients from hospital settings to healthcare institutions, critical care nursing is more in demand.