Selasa, 10 Maret 2009



Health Service Gift [of] below/under medical observation [at] ill people or the accident work or one who become pain or sudden experience of job accident ( Departmental [of] ACE Labour
Practice specialist Treatment giving health service to worker population or worker focusing [at] promotion, proteksi worker health repair and in environmental health context work ( Health Treatment Association Work America
Hygiene Specialization therewith practice which aim to in order to the worker obtain;get degree of health at the farthest the physical goodness, bouncing social and or with effort preventif and curative to disease, health trouble resulted [by] a environment and work factor work and also the [common/ public] factors ( Nasrul Effendi )

Preventive Storey;Level [of] and Health Trouble Accident [of] Effect [Of] Work
1. Make-Up of Health
" Health Education to worker
" repair gizi And improvement
" Ready [of] healthy job environment and housing for worker
" Recreation for worker
" Inspection [of] before job
2. Special protection
" Immunize
" environmental Higiene And sanitasi [of] healthy job
" selfprotection And recognition to danger [of] effect [of] work
" Protection to carcinogen factor and allergic
3. Diagnosa early and the correct medication
" Searching labour to certain trouble ill
" General Ceck up regularly
" Screening
4. Handicap prevention
" Medication which adekuat to prevent and discontinue disease process
" good treatment
5. Cure
" Practice And education to train existing skilled
" location of handicapped Energy selectively
" Providing workplace protected
" Therapy work at home the pain
Preventive Efforts [of] Disease of Effect [Of] Work
1. Substitution
2. [common/ public] Ventilation
3. Ventilate local exit
4. Insulation
5. Clothes Or protector appliance
6. Inspection [of] before job
7. inspection of periodical Health
8. Lighting which enough
9. Health education
10. environment of healthy Job
A. the Study
Study of Status of health of worker and requirement of service of health [of] pursuant to in perpective [of] epidemiology cover various dimension for example
1. Dimension Biofisikal
2. Psychology Dimension
3. Physical Dimension
4. Social Dimension
5. Behaviour Dimension
6. Dimension of Health System
Nurse of Community have to pay attention to fifth [of] the dimension because will very influence degree of health [of] each individual
1. Dimension Biofisikal
Biological Factor [of] human being which require to be studied [at] status of health of worker of[is inclusive of in it [is] maturity and age, heritage of physiological genetik function and
2. Psychological Dimension
[At] study of psychological dimension [of] nurse of community identify problem of psychology [of] [at] environment work and study factor which have contribution [to] to problem of Psychology earn manifestasi with existence of drug abuse, hardness, psychological trouble, neurosis, and feebleness.
Some indication of existence of problem of psychology which require to be studied
" Often [do] not enter job
" change Mood, change in relating to others
" improvement of Insidensi accident
" Feebleness, fatigue, degradation energi
" heavy improvement Or degradation [of] body
" Make-Up of blood pressure
" Disease [of] which deal with stress ( gastritis, ulkus peptikum )
3. Physical Dimension
Environmental [of] physical represent factor which partake to influence degree of health in the working environment. Environmental category [of] physical which risk cause trouble of health [of] like
" Chemicals
" Radiasi, voice, vibration, cool and hot [is] attacked.
" Electric current
4. Social Dimension
Social Environment in the working environment which can influence status of health can have the character of positive and the negativity. What is the inclusive of social environment among other things : quality of social interaction among worker, assess to work and health, there [is] [do] not it[him] the discrimination, other;dissimilar pressure or gender which can influence worker productivity
5. Behaviour Dimension
Factor of life style considered here the inclusive of
" Work type
" Take a rest and the practice
" use of peacemaker Appliance
Guidance Study of Environmental Health Work
1. Dimension of Biopsikal cover
¢ Age, gender, worker tribe
¢ Whether/What there [is] condition of handicap [of] [at] worker population
¢ How much/many number of insidensi and prevalensi disease
¢ Whether/What there [is] factor of predisposisi [of] the happening of disease
¢ How absence storey;level
¢ What [is] type of [his/its] work
¢ How status imunisasinya
¢ How result skrining of [his/its] test
2. Psychology Dimension
How organization of [his/its] workday
How quality of[is beauty [of] [his/its] environment
How [relation/link] usher worker
How [relation/link] of worker with superior
How value and worker attitude
How style supervise head
How work evaluation
How [his/its] division of labor
How control of [his/its] job
Whether/What there [is] source of stress in the working environment
How storey;level of family conflict
Whether/What there [is] program management of stress [in] environment work
3. Physical Dimension
" How system of worker transportation
" How security of area park
" How use of pesticide and poison in the working environment
" Whether/What there [is] pollution in the working environment
" How fire company system
" Whether/What there [is] poisonous potency [is] attacked.substansi
" How storey;level of [is] attacked. to weather
" Whether/What there [is] potency [of] the happening of falling
" Whether/What there [is] animal or insect [in] environment work
" Whether/What there [is] alargen of plant and poison [in] environment work
" How temperature condition, lighting, ventilate
" How noise storey;level
" How processing of food and [his/its] depository
" How facility toiletnya
" How facility of dismissal of waste and garbage processing
4. Social Dimension
" How economic condition [of] worker
" How system of pay worker
" How system service of existing health
" How organization usher worker
" Whether/What there [is] potency happened [by] hardness [in] environment work
" Whether/What there [is] conflict in organization
" How cultural background [of] worker
" Whether/What Ianguage used
" How storey;level of worker education
5. Behaviour Dimension
" How pattern of communications usher worker
" How quality of gift nutrisi
" How status of nutrisi worker
" How knowledge [of] about nutrisi
" Whether/What there [is] habit consume alcohol, cigarette, use medicinize
" How pattern of worker activity
" How worker rest
6. Dimension of Health System
" How service of health [in] environment work
" How amenity obtain;get health service
" How use of facility of health by worker
" How behaviour of worker in searching health service
" How amenity get health information
" How control and monitoring to health service

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