Rabu, 18 Maret 2009


By : Mahyuliansyah

At the height of problem of soul health, hence requirement of service of health of soul will also progressively mount. reach of Service of health of soul have to can reach society which far and not merely residing [in] just just metropolis. This matter represent effort of generalization of health service. Strive this not possible (to) can be executed [by] if service of health of soul [is] only given by RSJ ( Mental Hospital) just just [is] which [his/its] amount [is] limited and generally reside in mother of town provinsi ( not yet all provinsi own mental hospital
service Health of adequate soul which can reach entire/all society not yet enforceable because of " amount of Energy of health of soul still very finite and generally residing in metropolis " problem of Health of soul frequently bermanifestasi in the form of physical sigh, so that [is] not detected and [is] not overcome better " Congeniality [of] about health of soul still less and stigma to trouble of soul still be big, so that they [do] not come to service of soul health, but a lot go to traditional medicine or prominent religion " Rural resident ( difficult rural) reach facility of health of soul and require big enough expense " Autonomous existence [of] area making area become determinant of requirement [of] each, causing problem of service of health of soul not yet [is] of course considered to be [by] a priority requirement.

i. Soul Health ( UU No. 23 year 1992 Ps 24, 25, 26 and 27): [is] a[n condition bounce secure and prosperous enabling productive and harmonious life as intact shares from quality live somebody paid attention toly all human life facet
One who make healthy soul have characteristic " Realizing full [of] x'self ability " Able to face fair stress life " Able to work productive and fulfill [his/its] life requirement " Earn the sharing and also in environment " Accepting goodness by what there [is] [at] x'self " Feel balmy along with others
soul Health problem cover - harmonious human being Growth problem and the living quality improvement, that is soul health problem [of] related to life cycle, start from child in content until old age
- problem of Psikososial that is all changes in individual life both for having the character of psychological and or the social having reciprocal influence and assumed [by] to have a big enough potency as factor of cause [of] the happening of soul trouble ( or the health trouble) manifestly, or on the contrary problem of health of soul affecting [at] social environment, for example: tawuran, adolescent mischief, abuse NAPZA, sexual problem, act hardness, stress pasca trauma; migrasi, old age which isolation, problem of health of soul at work, productivity degradation; loiterer psikotik, stocks of feet in wooden holes, public road child - trouble of Soul that is a[n change [of] [at] function of soul causing existence of trouble [of] [at] soul function, generating grief [of] [at] individual and or resistance in executing social role
type of Trouble of soul for example: trouble bounce and behavior of effect [of] of use NAPZA, alcohol and smoke; depresi; ansietas; trouble somatoform ( psikosomatik); trouble afektif; trouble bounce organic; skizofrenia; trouble of soul of child and adolescent and also retardasi bounce
Soul Health Base on Society
Executed by society [by] xself, become to represent health non-formal service by cadre socialize.
Service facility executing 1. Posyandu 2. Post Strive Health Work ( UKK 3. PKK 4. LKMD/PKMD 5. Effort School Health ( UKS 6. Adolescent Red Cross 7. Boy Scout ( Saka Devote Husada 8. Compose Taruna 9. Traditional Medication.
Service executed cover effort promotif, preventif, curative and rehabilitatif.
Strive promotif and preventif aim to improve soul health level and prevent the happening of soul trouble, in the form of healthy life construction activity and counselling activity, in order to earn harmonious and productive life.
Curative effort represent service which aim to take care of and cure the to remediable monomaniac or cured [by] [his/its] health.
Strive rehabilitatif represent various medical effort, edukatif, vokasional, and social which aim to cure functional ability [of] handicapped somebody ( impairment, disability, and handicap) as optimal as possible, so that earn productive life and to integration return into society
Strive health of soul base on aimed at [by] more amount society [of] effort of promotif and preventif. This activity generally integrate with other; dissimilar programs exist in health institution. While curative effort [is] generally suggested be achieved [in] facility of health [of] like Puskesmas and Hospital. Strive rehabilitatif represent effort executed also by society. Expected with good acceptance and the compatible environment assist to cure monomaniac ability.
Strive Health of Soul base on society aim to 1. Socialize to understand meaning of soul health .
circumstance of healthy Soul according to medical science as unsure [of] than health, representing condition enabling physical growth, intellectual, and optimal emotional from somebody, and that growth walk in harmony with circumstance other man.(code/law No.3 year 1966 about soul health)
Mean health of soul have the nature of harmonious ( and pay attention to all facet in human life in relation with other; dissimilar human being.
2. Socialize to understand meaning growth of optimal soul
balance of Circumstance of behavior functioning in an optimal fashion in - [relation/link] of Social that is all [relation/link] with human being, specially friend and family member. [Is] also considered to hit wide and quality from [relation/link] of that social - function of Work or school, that is specialty and quality or amount from [his/its] reached result as employees, student, student or domestic regulator. Highest assessment [is] only given [by] if result of [his/its] productivity [is] high, [his/its] reached without sigh feel is not delicious - use of spare time , that is activity of recreation and development of [his/its] hobby.
Become growth of optimal that soul [is] if/when one can function in an optimal fashion in [his/its] social [relation/link], area of [his/its] work and use of spare time 3. Socialize to recognize marking growth of optimal soul and symptom of growth of soul which is not optimal.
marking Growth of optimal soul, visible for example : somebody which have the good achievement [to] in [his/its] work, good [relation/link] and harmonious with of family and nearness covey, and also can against time empty relaxedly or development of [his/its] hobby. Follow the example of other; dissimilar for example a child of SD of class of VI getting good value [is] [his/its] school, having a lot of covey and uppermost in sport. The things reachable [his/its] easily and easy going enough.
Very ugly growth that is existence of hendaya or not ready to be heavy in [relation/link] of social and work or school. The example : A housewife which [do] not ready to arrange [his/its] domestic. Follow the example of other; dissimilar : A child of have age [to] 12 year which don't have covey and always fail in [his/its] Iesson at school so that require to be assisted. Sure growth suffer a[n soul trouble.
Because as we know that among growth of ugly and optimal soul still there are degree of variation [of] from optimal [of] goodness, [is], ugly until 4. Socialize to recognize trouble of soul in general.
What is such with trouble of soul [is] corps of behavioral pattern or symptom [of] somebody which in the clinic enough have a meaning (of), and which characteriscally go together a[n symptom of grief or hendaya ( not ready to) in one or more the function which is from human being.
trouble of that Function [is] visible from behavioral facet, psikologik or biologic, and that trouble [do] not be located only in [relation/link] [of] [among/between] that people with society, but earning located also in x'self of itself people. If/When seeing the concept trouble of above soul, of course plenty (of) this variation, usher light until heavily.
For example : A[N trouble of heavy soul with public symptom, showing existence of heavy hendaya in assessing reality. That people will misjudge accuracy thinking, arrest of pentameter of indera and wrong conclude reality of external world, though have been made available [by] a evidence denying that matter. Follow the example of : talking intrude, eccentricity without understandable [of] [his/its] intention, and [do] not environmental care.
5. Socialize to understand the way of prevention and improvement of level of health of soul in general.
prevention And improvement of level of health of soul [is] pursuant to principality of health of soul as according to [Code/Law] of No.3 of year 1966 about soul health. Example [of] which can be [done/conducted] everyday for example in family, specially [relation/link] [of] [among/between] parent and child. Parent [of] not merely undertaking to feed [his/its] child, but also require to pay attention to to give love saying, tuition, feel warm feeling of money adapted for [by] growth of child soul. Despitefully the parent have to behave and comport as according to [his/its] utterance, so that can become good example for of their children. [Relation/Link] [of] [among/between] husband and wife better be coloured by existence of love of saying and mutually understanding. In chosening and determining school or work require to be adapted for [by] talent and child ability 6. Socialize to understand the way of overcoming of trouble of soul in general and systems of [his/its] reference.
If/When clear that somebody suffer trouble of soul hence earn that people [is] suggested or assisted broughtly [it] to facility of proximate health or report [it] to worker of proximate health. Earn also for the first aid reported to Countryside Head, Sub-Regency chief or prominent society to be made reference to [by] facility of proximate health.
Facility for this overcoming can through later Puskesmas (center health socialize) when require to be made reference to [by] part of Psychiatry from home the [Common/ public] Pain or [is] hereinafter made reference to [by] Mental Hospital 7. socialize can give counselling [of] about prevention and improvement of health of soul in general

Referensi :

Depkes RI, 1995, Pedoman Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa Di Fasilitas Umum, Jakarta : Depkes RI

Depkes RI, Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka, 1986, Bahan Untuk Memperoleh Tanda Kecakapan Khusus Kesehatn JIwa, Jakarta : Depkes RI

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