Rabu, 04 Maret 2009


By : Mahyuliansyah

Strive Republic Government of Indonesia to increase the service Socialize mirror have in outline of Bow of State even development of health instructed to heighten degree of health. This matter in line with development of health contained in System of National Health ( SKN) namely reaching of ability for the healthy life for every resident for the shake of existing of degree of optimal health self-supportingly have [is] base [to] [of] [at] ability and strength [by] xself. To reach the target require to be [done/conducted] [by] effort of service generalization, improvement [of] quality of service and also improvement of role and also socialize. In this case the dot weigh against [at] degradation of painfulness number, death of baby and mother maternal, also to other target. Side of[is other; dissimilar development of health [is] also [done/conducted] givenly [is] perioritas [of] [at] effort of health improvement, disease prevention, beside strive healing and convalescence.

Fundamental Activity execution [of] puskesmas [in] instructing to family as set of the smallest society, with the other;dissimilar fundamental activity word [of] puskesmas addressed for the sake of family health as part of regional society [of] [his/its] job. Each;Every fundamental activity [of] Puskesmas [done/conducted] with health development approach socialize countryside.
As for function puskesmas shall be as follows
1. As health development center socialize [in] [his/its] job region
2. Constructing role and also the regional society [of] [his / its] job in order to improving ability for the healthy life
3. Giving service totally [in] health area inwroughtly to society [in] [his/its] job region.
In Order To Society Health Building [do] not release with painfulness number problems. the increasing of painfulness number [of] [at] society enabled by the increasing of a[n disease [in] society, lack of health treatment activity socialize by worker , data mistake ( less be its[his] accurate [is] data) existence of clean and indisposed environment.
Starting from above statement, really in order to improvement [of] degree of health socialize and to degrade number of painfulness [of] [at] society of Activity of Treatment of Community in this case [is] Treatment of Health Socialize very influence in determining storey; level of efficacy of service of health socialize
Activity of Treatment of Health Socialize ( Perkesmas ) expected can give aid, tuition, counselling, observation to individual, family of special group and also the society having problems of health which is because of ignorance, do not want to, and also their disability in order to overcoming health problem. This activity in execution is not selfsupporting, but each other be related/relevant with program of other puskesmas.
Activity of Perkesmas [is] a[n area in treatment and health of society representing solidarity [of] both with support of active to role and also socialize, majoring service of promotif and preventif chronically without disregarding curative service and rehabilitatif, totally and inwrought addressed to individual, family, group and socialize as one intact union through process of treatment to follow to improve function of human life in an optimal fashion so that self-supporting in [his/its] health
That dimiciling community treatment in this case [is] Health Treatment Socialize of vital importance because activity Perkesmas can give share support fundamental activity [of] Other Puskesmas and in order to self-supporting socialize

Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1992, Jakarta, Pedoman Kerja Perkesmas Jilid I
Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1993, Jakarta, Petunjuk Pengelolaan Perawatan Kesehatan Masyarakat.

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